The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) serves as the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information. The collection dates back to 1964 and includes many otherwise unpublished progress reports required for receiving federal grant money for research. These reports are not only by various federal, state and local government agencies, but also from many private research companies.
The free electronic version of the index is available for searching at: The free search engine is limited in functionality. You cannot search by contract number and it displays only partial abstracts and entries do not contain agency report numbers. The library does not currently subscribe to the full-blown index, but we do have the print indexes for 1965-1996. Please contact the Research Assistance Desk at 920-465-2303 for help with the print indexes.
Our collection of NTIS reports is housed in our federal documents collection on the 5th floor, but the reports are NOT listed in our catalog. Paper copies are filed under the SuDocs call number C51 .2: and then by their NTIS accession number. Microfiche copies are filed also by their NTIS accession number and are in the end drawer of the federal microfiche collection.
The reports are always available for purchase and are printed on demand.