The Cofrin Library (Green Bay campus) was established as a selective federal depository library for Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District in 1967. As a selective depository, we received a limited number of print materials published by federal agencies through 2023. As of 2024, the Government Publishing Office (GPO) is making all new materials available electronically and our library will no longer receive print publications. Our remaining print collection contains historical materials, primarily in the areas of census, legislative, and judicial regional topics
GPO is actively digitizing historical content in addition to publishing new digital content. Both print and electronic government materials can be found in Search@UW. The print collection is housed on the 5th floor of the library and is arranged by issuing agency rather than subject, using the SuDocs (Superintendent of Documents) system. The collection is freely available for public use.
Print materials not found at the Cofrin Library can be requested from another library through Interlibrary Loan.
We are also a full Wisconsin Depository Library since 1974. The Wisconsin documents collection is housed on the 5th floor of the library and available for searching in Search@UW. Items are arranged on the shelves by the issuing agency using the Wisconsin Documents system rather than by subject.