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SOC WORK 461/463: Applied Research

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About this guide

Screenshot of a Provided by UW-Green Bay Libraries notice from the LibKey Nomad extensionLibKey Nomad is a free browser extension that quickly connects you with full text resources from UW-Green Bay Libraries as you research on the web. It works on Wikipedia, PubMed, and hundreds of publisher websites.

Once it's installed, you'll find buttons to download scholarly articles on eligible websites. If we don't have immediate access to an article, you'll be able to quickly request a free copy via interlibrary loan.

Getting started

LibKey Nomad is automatically installed on UW-Green Bay computers in Edge and Chrome. To add it to your personal computer:

  1. Go to Download LibKey Nomad.
  2. Select your browser. LibKey Nomad is currently available for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Brave, and Vivaldi.
  3. Follow your browser's prompts to install the extension.
  4. After it is installed, search for and select UW-Green Bay Libraries as your organization.

Accessing full text

Once you have the extension installed, look for LibKey buttons on websites with information about scholarly articles, like Wikipedia, PubMed, and publisher websites. Depending on the article, you might see one of the following:

  • Download PDF: We have access to this article and you can download it with one click.
  • Article Link: We have access to this article and you can view the full text (not necessarily as a PDF).
  • Access Options: We may not have access to this article, but you'll be directed to Search@UW where you can request it via interlibrary loan.
  • Manuscript PDF or Link: The article is available in the form of an Accepted Manuscript in a repository. It has likely been peer-reviewed but may not be formatted for publishing.
LibKey Access Options and Download PDF buttons on a Wikipedia page
Download PDF button on PubMed

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