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PU EN AF/POL SCI 301 Environmental Politics and Policy

Elizabeth Wheat

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Check out The Legislative Research Process guide for additional details on sources of regulatory information.

Search the Federal Register

Federal Register Tutorial

Federal Register, the official newspaper of the U.S. government, was authorized by Congress in 1935 after the Supreme Court complained of the lack of a complete compilation of executive and administrative orders. It contains all presidential proclamations, executive orders, and federal agency regulations and proposed rules. It informs citizens of their rights and obligations, and it includes a listing of federal benefits and funding opportunities.

People read the Federal Register to learn about the daily operations of the federal government and how government actions are affecting health care, education, the environment, and other major issues.

On this site you can: 

  • Search for a regulation such as a proposed rule, final rule or Federal Register (FR) notice
  • Submit a comment on a regulation or on another comment
  • Submit an application, petition or adjudication document 
  • Sign up for e-mail alerts about a specific regulation
  • Subscribe to RSS feeds by agency of newly posted FR notices

NOTE:  This site is for currently pending regulations, not historical information

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