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Meeting Owl Pro Camera Guide

This guide provides instructions for downloading the Meeting Owl mobile app, connecting the camera to a computer for a web meeting, and using the mobile app to control the settings and features of the camera.

Reserving the Camera

picture of meeting owl pro webcamWe use a Microsoft Outlook calendar to reserve and schedule the Meeting Owl Pro Camera. Only UWGB Libraries and CATL staff are approved to reserve the camera. These staff are approved to pick the camera up at the Circulation Desk on the third floor of the Cofrin Library. Bring your staff ID! You might also wish to check out a tripod for the Meeting Owl if your space doesn't have a central table or desk to set up the webcam.

To reserve the camera, you can create an Outlook Meeting and add to the required meeting invitees. If the meeting auto declines, it's possible that the webcam is already booked. Use the Scheduling Assistant to view whether the webcam is already reserved. Note: Reserve the camera in Outlook for however long it will be in your possession (e.g., you're taking it to a conference overnight--reserve it until you'll be able to return it to the Circulation Desk).

If you have any questions, email Kate Farley: