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Meeting Owl Pro Camera Guide

This guide provides instructions for downloading the Meeting Owl mobile app, connecting the camera to a computer for a web meeting, and using the mobile app to control the settings and features of the camera.

Connecting the Camera

Setting Up the Camera

The Owl Pro functions as a microphone and a speaker through which in room participants can hear audio from meeting participants joining remotely and is the central point through which the in-room audio will be shared with those attending online.

Room Assessment

  • Carefully consider the camera placement, and decide whether the camera can be placed equidistant from all speakers, or if the meeting mechanics prioritize one or certain speakers. If so, move the camera closer to them so that their voice will be louder to remote participants. 
  • Avoid placing the camera under air handling equipment or venting, if possible. 
  • Make sure cords are out of the way or taped down on the floor if a presenter is going to be moving around.

Buttons and Settings

  1. Plug in the power cord to the camera (underneath Owl) and an power source, like a wall plug or power strip. Add the extender if necessary. The camera will "hoot" a few times and the eyes will light up.
  2. Connect the micro USB to the camera (underneath Owl) and the full-size USB to your computer's USB input.
  3. Use the device where you have the Meeting Owl app installed (e.g., your phone or an iPad) and ensure your Bluetooth is turned on on your device. "Allow" the Meeting Owl app to use Bluetooth. 
  4. Select "Otto" the Owl on your Meeting Owl app. That is the name of our camera. The eyes will light up when it's successfully connected and then your app screen will refresh to show you the camera control menu, and some about information.

Note: if there is a software update for the Owl camera it's best to run that update before you try to use the camera. To update you'll need to connect the camera to Wi-Fi. 

Meeting Settings

Join your online meeting. 

In Teams the Computer audio should automatically select "Meeting Owl Pro" but if it doesn't, open the device settings to choose "Meeting Owl Pro." You can also choose the video setting if it doesn't automatically select "Meeting Owl Camera." In the preview window you might see the split-screen where the top register displays the 360-room view and the bottom displays the person speaking.

Here are what your device audio settings should say:

audio device settings showing Meeting Owl Pro webcam is selected

Here is what your device video settings should say:

settings showing the meeting owl is being used for the camera video and audio

In Zoom, click "Join with Computer audio," then adjust the speaker and microphone settings. Choose "Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Meeting Owl Pro)" for both the speaker and the microphone settings. To select a camera other than your system default, choose "Meeting Owl Camera."

Here is where you can select different device audio in Zoom by clicking the little chevron next to the microphone icon:

device settings for microphone and speaker in zoom showing use of meeting owl pro camera 

device settings for zoom meeting showing video is using the meeting owl camera