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COMM SCI 198 This is your Brain on College

V. Lowery


Why Use a Database?

Searching for peer-reviewed articles in a library database, as opposed to Google, or even Google Scholar, is often a wise choice.

Education Research Complete, PsychINFO, JSTOR, and other library databases are curated collections of thousands of peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals and other academic materials. This means that a team of experts evaluate material using specified criteria to determine if they should be included in a given database. Criteria include things like academic level of research, timeliness, and evidence of peer review.

Databases also offer advanced search and filtering options, like narrowing results by field of study or document type. Additionally, since they maintain thorough and detailed records, it's easy to locate all the information you need for your citations.

Compare Articles

Look at both documents linked below and list as many differences you can find between the two documents. You should be able to list at least 5 differences.   We will come back together as a larger group to discuss so be prepared to share your list. (in chat or unmute)