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MNT ENGLISH 198: First Year Seminar

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Types of Sources

Source Visual Characteristics Author(s) Purpose Audience Examples

Newspaper (Periodical)
short; contains byline; no references; contains ads written by journalists or staff writers; reviewed by an editor to inform or comment on current local, national & international events general public New York Times; Green Bay Press Gazette; The Washington Post

Magazines (Periodical)
brief to medium length articles; no bibliography; extensive advertising written by journalists or staff writers; reviewed by an editor to inform, persuade, or entertain depending on audience general public; special interest Time; Newsweek; Psychology Today; GQ; Glamour

Trade Publications (Periodical)
brief to medium length articles; may contain references written by staff writers, professionals, or experts in a profession or trade to inform or report on industry news, trends, products, etc. professionals within a field such as marketing, human resources, teaching, etc. Nursing in Practice, Food Engineering, Publishers Weekly

Scholarly Journals (Periodical)
long articles with a methodology, discussion and conclusion; abstract; language is specialized to field; contains a long list of references written by scholars or experts in a field; peer-reviewed to inform, present original research, and communicate formally with other scholars scholars, researchers, and experts in a field Journal of Psychology; Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion; History and Anthropology

Academic Books
comprehensive and long with chapters; has a table of contents and index; extensive list of references written by scholars or experts; reviewed by an editor in the field; published by an academic press to inform, analyze, or communicate broad understanding or in-depth information scholars, researchers and experts in a field; occasionally an educated audience Wild Hope: On the Front Lines of Conservation Success; Evidence-based Practice in Clinical Social Work

Reference Books
short, authoritative entries; may contain a list of references; may identify an author written by scholars or experts; reviewed by editor(s) to inform and provide a brief overview of a topic ranges from experts to general public Encyclopedia of Human Development; The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English

Government Documents
ranges from short, brief reports to lengthy multi-volume items written and reviewed by a group of researchers or government office to inform, report, or record (ex: formal court proceedings); provides statistics or in-depth information on an issue scholars, experts, lawmakers, and the general public Congressional Record; Code of Federal Regulations; Occupational Outlook Handbook

radio, television, images, audio (podcasts), films, etc. filmographers, documentarians, radio, television stations and networks, and general public to inform, persuade, and/or entertain typically intended for the general public Audio of NPR segment, Race: The Power of an Illusion (documentary), Lost

ranges from a few webpages of content to several webpages; usually identified by the domain: .com/.org/.edu/.gov anyone -- includes general public to inform, persuade, entertain, or promote misinformation anyone -- ranges from general public to experts World Health Organization --;;; American Diabetes Association --

Other Sources

The sources listed above are among the most common found when researching, but there are several other types of sources you may come across.