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Online Students - Library Services

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UW-Green Bay Libraries have a lot to offer to online students: books, articles, research help, and more! This guide will introduce you to our services and resources we can provide to you at a distance. Explore our different resources on each page.  

If you need additional help or run into any issues, please navigate to the Research Help page to get in contact with a librarian. We are happy to help and answer any technical, research, or general questions you may encounter. 

Accessing Content from Off-Campus

To access many of the library's resources, including online databases which contain journals, magazines, and newspaper articles, you will need the following:

Your UW-Green Bay campus network username and password. This is the same one that you use to access campus e-mail and Canvas. You should have received a letter with this information upon acceptance into the program.

Consists of the first four characters of your last name, the first name and middle name initials, and the two-digit day of the month that you were born. For example: Mary Kay Jones’s birthday is May 4th, so her username would be: jonemk04. (Note: There are occasional exceptions to this syntax.)

Initial Password
Consists of the first letter of your last name (capitalized), followed by the # sign, followed by the 9-digit Campus ID number. Example: J#123456789

For more information about your password, how to change it, and what to do if it does not work, visit the Division of Information Technology's (IT) Student Technology Account page, or call the IT Help Desk at 920-465-2309.

What's Available to Online Students?

  • On-campus & off-campus access to UW-Green Bay Library's collection of articles, e-books, and streaming videos in Search@UW and the online databases
  • Hundreds of thousands of books available in the UWGB Libraries and UW System Libraries in Search@UW
  • Millions of books available across the globe via our interlibrary loan service
  • Home delivery of books if you live outside of Brown and Sheboygan counties
  • Research assistance with a librarian by online chat, email, phone, or in-person
  • Course and topic guides that direct you to helpful resources