Look at both of the articles linked below. You do not need to read them completely.
With a partner or small group, list as many differences you can find between the two articles. You should be able to find at least 5 differences.
Be prepared to share your list with the rest of class.
Find a book in Search@UW on the designer, Paula Scher. Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:
Find an article in the database, Historical Newspapers: The New York Times on the designer Paula Scher. Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:
Find an article in Search@UW about Muriel Cooper (graphic designer/ book designer).
Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:
Find an article in the database, Art & Architecture Source on Muriel Cooper (graphic designer/ book designer). Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:
Boom, I. (1987). Nederlandse Postzegels [Book, offset printed]. MoMA: The Museum of Modern Art.
Boom, Irma. "Nederlandse Postzegels." MoMA: The Museum of Modern Art, 1987.