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SHB Oostburg High School: Finding Articles

Tamala Szyman

How to find databases from BadgerLink

To access article databases from your school or home, click on BadgerLink.

  1. If you are prompted to Login, use information from your public library ID card.
  2. Click "All Resources" then limit to "Scholarly Journals" in the "Format" box, and click the "Apply" button. 
  3. Select one of the databases from the list.
  4. If you arrive at the "Basic Search" page of the database, select "Advanced Search" in order to limit by full-text, date, type of material and/or peer-reviewed material.

Databases to start with...

From BadgerLink:

Databases to start with...

From UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus:

Search@UW Articles

Search@UW or single database search?

The best use of Search@UW is when you need a large number or a variety of resources.  It is also helpful when your research question spans a number of different subjects, making it difficult to choose a single-subject database.

However, not all database content is available through Search@UW.  There will also be many instances in which a single-subject database will have enough content that a user will not need the multiple resources connected to Search@UW.  In these cases, a single database search may be easier and more efficient.

Tips for better searching


  • an asterisk ( * ) at the stem of a word will find all forms of the word:  educat*= education, educable, educate.  It will also find the plural of the word.
  • Question marks (?) can be used as wild cards to replace an unknown letter or letters in a keyword.  Each question mark takes the place of one letter.  This is especially helpful with spelling issues; e.g. if you can't remember whether i or e is first, use Einst??n. The number sign (#) is used to replace an extra character if one exists, e.g. colo#r  = color or colour.
  • Quotes around phrases ( “xx yy” ) will insure that your keywords are searched as a phrase; rather than individual words.  "Social work" will yield much different results than results with social and/or work.


  • An asterisk (*) acts as a wild card for multiple letters; e.g.  bird*= birdsong, birdcage; p*diatric searches for pediatric or paediatric.  A question mark (? ) is a single character wild card, e.g., wom?n=woman or women. 
  • To find all forms of a particular word (known as stemming), use the number sign (#), e.g., goose# finds goose, geese, and gosling.  To add the plural to a term, use the ampersand (&), e.g., cat& = cat and cats.
  • As in EBSCOhost, quotes around phrases (“xx yy”) will insure that your keywords are searched as a phrase; rather than individual words.