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What is Search@UW?

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About this guide

This guide will help you help you understand and use Search@UW, the main search tool of UW-Green Bay Libraries. You can get to Search@UW on the library homepage or at the bottom of this page.

If you are looking for an article, Finding Articles has common tasks with step-by-step instructions, including how to find peer-reviewed articles.
If you are looking for a book, ebook, DVD, streaming video, music score, or other physical items in our collections, Finding Books and Videos has step-by-step instructions.
See Advanced Search Tips to learn more, such as how to search for a specific phrase or author.

If you need more help with library search tools and resources, just click on the Research Help tab.

Introducing Search@UW

Referred to as a "discovery layer," Search@UW pulls content from existing resources into one convenient search interface.

What’s in Search@UW

Search@UW contains millions of resources including all UW System Libraries collections, digital collections, database articles and more. Books and Media: You will find over 16 million items from UW System Libraries in Search@UW. Digital Collections: Find items from UW Digital Collections. Articles: You will find the majority of our articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers in Search@UW. This is not the only place to look. Try searching in our databases as well!

When to use Search@UW

Use Search@UW when you want to:

  • Find books and articles using one search;
  • Do a broad, multidisciplinary search;
  • Use a variety of information sources; or
  • Want books or media owned by UW-Green Bay or other libraries.

If you want to do a focused search in a particular discipline, choose a database instead.

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