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HIST 198: The Strange Career of Jim Crow

V. Lowery

Activity 2

Group 1

Using Search@UW, find a book related to Civil War Naval History. 

  • What keywords did you use to find your source?
  • How did you have change your search? What filters did you use?
  • Is this a physical book or an ebook? (If it's an ebook, show us how to view it. If it's a physical book, tell us how we can find it) 

Group 2

Using Search@UW, find a book review that would count as a primary source for the book, The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin. Hint: you will need to look up when this book was first published.

  • How do you know this is a primary source?
  • What keywords did you use to find your source?
  • How did you have change your search? What filters did you use?

Group 3

Using Search@UW, find a scholarly article that relates to prohibition in the United States. 

  • How did you determine this was a scholarly source? 
  • What keywords did you use to find your source?
  • How did you have change your search? What filters did you use?

Group 4

Using the database, Historical Newspapers: The New York Times, find a book review that would count as a primary source for the book, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Hint: you will need to look up when this book was first published.

  • What keywords did you use? 
  • How did you have to change your search? WHat filters did you use? 
  • How did you know this was a primary source? 

Group 5

Using the database, America: History and Life, find a scholarly secondary source related to the role of women during prohibition. 

  • How did you determine this was a scholarly source? 
  • What keywords did you use to find your source?
  • How did you have change your search? What filters did you use?