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Subjects covered include history, biography, politics, world events. Find primary sources, streaming video content, and newsreels.
Subjects covered include biography and history. Biographies of thousands of men and women whose lives have shaped the U.S.
Subjects covered include theatre & drama, multicultural & ethnic studies, literature, and history. Find plays written from the 1850's to the present, playbills, and photographs.
Find videos, images, and text on more than thirty key worldwide border areas.
Full text e-books in the humanities and social sciences.
Subjects covered include history and humanities of the Reformation and post-Reformation eras. Find primary sources: theological writings, biblical commentaries, confessional documents, sermons, and letters.
Subjects covered include religion, philosophy, history, and humanities. Find primary sources: theological writings, biblical commentaries, confessional documents, social and political works, sermons, letters, and polemical treatises.
Subjects covered include historic local, regional, & national news. Find news and primary sources.
Subjects covered include history, religion, philosophy, and humanities. Find information on medieval Church prelates including information on all 1300 medieval bishoprics, archdioceses and patriarchates under obedience to Rome.
Subjects covered include history and humanities. Find primary sources, texts published before 1750.
Find primary sources on a range of topics. Includes newspapers, historical & archival documents, and other academic material.
Subjects covered include history, biography, multicultural & ethnic studies, and news. Find eyewitness accounts of historical events, editorial observations, and genealogical records. Includes historical African American Newspapers, the Civil War Collection and other historical documents.
Subjects covered include cultural, literary and social history; ethnic studies, news, and more. Find primary sources, federal records, organization records, and more.
Subjects covered include humanities, area studies, classics, linguistics, literature, philosophy, religion, and performing arts. Find articles, academic and trade journals, books, and book chapters.
Subjects covered include history of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa in the period 400-1500. Find scholarly articles, conference proceedings, essay collections, Festschriften, and exhibition catalogs.
Subjects covered include political science, law, government, history, and related fields. Find full-text publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking, including versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints.
Subjects covered include lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies, gender studies, history, and politics. Find documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and select feature films
Subjects covered include photojournalism on national and international events, popular culture, politics, and vintage advertising. Find Life Magazine issues from 1936-2000.
Subjects covered include news and current events. Find comprehensive full text for major newspapers.
Subjects covered include genealogy, history, and culture. Contains Wisconsin newspaper coverage.
A range of humanities and social sciences covered. Find scholarly, trade, and popular articles.
Subjects covered include humanities, arts, and social sciences. Find academic journal articles & books.
A wide range of subjects covered. Find citations to primary sources: popular, general-interest periodicals published in the United States from 1890 to 1982.
  • Freely available resource
Subjects covered include local/Wisconsin history & genealogy. Find digital materials & primary sources including photographs, postcards, newspapers, books, diaries, and audio recordings.
Subjects covered include business and related fields. Find regional business publications.
Find videos, images, text, and primary sources on revolutions, protests, resistance and social movements.
Subjects covered include history, African American history, law, area studies, and multicultural & ethnic studies. Find essential legal materials on U.S. slavery including every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.

The Times (London, England) Digital Archive is an online, full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of The Times, one of the most highly regarded resources for the 19th – 20th Century history detailing every complete page of every issue from 1785-2009.

The TLS historical archive provides searchable access to the full text of the Times Literary Supplement from 1902 through 2009. It includes more than 300,000 reviews, letters, poems and articles.
Find printed works and primary source material on the various facets of Eastern Religion.
Find books, chapters, primary sources, and archival material on modern Islamic theology.
Subjects covered include United States history, including events, biographies, social movements, and politics. Find academic, trade, popular, and primary sources.
Subjects covered include arts, humanities, reference material, healthcare, science, and social sciences. Find a broad overview of each topic covered in a short e-book format. Limit 5 simultaneous users.
Family history research records from the Wisconsin Historical Society records available on Ancestry.
Subjects covered include world history including biographies, cultural trends, political movements, wars & conflicts, and religions. Find academic, popular, trade, and primary sources.