Referred to as a "discovery layer," Search@UW pulls content from existing resources into one convenient search interface.
Search@UW contains millions of resources including all UW System Libraries collections, digital collections, database articles and more. Books and Media: You will find over 16 million items from UW System Libraries in Search@UW. Digital Collections: Find items from UW Digital Collections. Articles: You will find the majority of our articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers in Search@UW. This is not the only place to look. Try searching in our databases as well!
Call numbers classify books by subject and can help you to locate additional resources. Browsing the shelf where you found one book can lead to finding others on the same subject.
E 184 - E 185: American ethnic groups.
GF: Human ecology. Anthropogeography
GN: Anthropology
GR: Folklore
GT: Manners and customs (General)
HA: Social science statistics.
HB: Economic Theory. Demography.
HM: Sociology (general and theoretical). Social psychology.
HN: Social history. Social problems. Social reform.
HQ: The family. Marriage. Women. Feminism.
HT: Communities. Classes. Races. Slavery.
HV: Social and public welfare. Substance abuse. Criminology.
HX: Socialism. Communism. Anarchism.
K: Legal issues
LC: Educational sociology.
RA: Social medicine.