The Diversity subcommittee of the Collection Development Committee has discussed and explored a variety of methods for fostering collection of diverse voices and narratives in UW System Libraries. The subcommittee has not identified any single resource for building or maintaining diverse collections. Further, we recognize that every library in the UW System has made an effort to learn about and implement strategies for diverse collection development.
We have developed a list of actionable tasks that individual libraries, the CDC, and/or other CUWL committees can incorporate into collection development strategies:
Actively collect content by authors of marginalized identities; titles that are recipients of awards dedicated to diversity and inclusion; content issued by publishers that specialize in publication of diverse authors and subjects; and diverse content highlighted by review services and vendors.
Collect content about inequity; anti-racist concepts; and inclusive practices.
Enhance discovery of diverse content.
Areas of collection
Marginalized Identities
In all subjects and genres, prioritize collection of titles created by authors whose identities are non-dominant majority. Authors of marginalized identities may include Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), people who identify as LGBTQIA+; people with a disability; people whose first language is not English; or people of intersectional identities. However, this list is not exhaustive and will certainly evolve. Collecting items authored by people of marginalized identities requires that an author has chosen to disclose their identity.