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Searching with keywords

  • A standard search will retrieve information containing all of the keywords.
    • Example: Peshtigo fire will retrieve materials that include both keywords.
  • Searching a person's name will retrieve information BY and ABOUT the person.
  • Use quotation marks to search exact phrases.
  • Use an asterisk(*) for truncation searching.
    • Example: organic farm* will retrieve: organic farm, organic farms, organic farmers, organic farming, etc.

Finding peer-reviewed articles

From your list of search results, click on the Peer-reviewed Journals facet.

Results will show materials from peer-reviewed journals, but some articles shown may not themselves be peer-reviewed (e.g., book reviews, letters to the editor). For help determining if your article is peer-reviewed, see our Scholarly Sources guide.

Using Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search to search for a particular title, author/creator, material type, language, or publication date. You can add new lines to add additional criteria to your search.

By default, a new line starts with AND, meaning that it will be added to the other lines in your search. Change it to OR if you want to find materials that match either the previous line or the current line.

Changing the search scope

By default, Search@UW searches the UW-Green Bay Library scope: this scope consists of articles, books, e-books, videos, and more available through UW-Green Bay. You can also use the drop-down menu to switch to one of these specific sets of search results:

  • UWGB and Requestable Items: Resources available from UW-Green Bay, UW System Libraries, and other partner libraries.
  • Historical Society Archives and GB ARC: Materials located in the UW-Green Bay Archives and the Wisconsin Historical Society that pertain to the history of northeastern Wisconsin and UW-Green Bay. Most materials are not online but can be accessed in the Archives.
  • Course Reserves: Items set aside by a professor for a course.