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The UW-Green Bay Libraries have many resources available to support classroom teaching. Below you will find a list of e-book and streaming video providers, licensed for use by UW-Green Bay students, staff, and faculty. While these resources do not fit the definition of Open Educational Resources, they are still a low cost option for providing classroom materials for your students. If you would like to use an e-book from the UW-Green Bay Libraries to replace a course text, please contact us so we can ensure access for the entire semester.
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0
OER, or Open Educational Resources, are free, openly available resources, published with either an Open License or in the public domain. They can be revised, remixed, reused, redistributed, and retained. Examples: open textbooks, syllabi, full courses, modules, games, or activities.
AER, or Affordable Educational Resources, are resources that are not openly license, but are available for no additional cost to students. They cannot be revised, remixed, reused, redistributed, and retained. Examples: YouTube videos, blogs, journal articles, ebooks from the Library, or digital courseware.
Both options save our students money!