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In-Class Activities

Keyword Brainstorming

Searching in library databases is not like searching in Google. A database will search for ONLY what you tell it, meaning any unnecessary words might add results that are not relevant to your topic. To search in library databases, we have to use only keywords. These keywords should capture the main concepts of your research topic. Because it searches for only what you tell it, you need to be flexible in trying different words or combinations of phrases when exploring a topic. 

The following activity will ask you to first identify what keywords capture your research topic, and then think of different ways to explore your topic. 

Library Research

Group 1: Search@UW

Find a book, book chapter, article, or piece of streaming media in Search@UW on commuter students. Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:

  • How can you access/ find the content.
  • Did you use any limiters or have to change your initial search to find your item?
  • Show the auto-generated citation for your resource. 
  • Why would this material be useful for a research paper on substance use among first-year college students- try to come up with at least two specific reasons beyond the content has the words "commuter" and/or "first year students" in the title/ description. 

Group 2: PsycInfo

Find an article or book chapter in the database, PsycInfo, discussing the mental health of first year college students.  Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:

  • How do you find the database.
  • How can you access/ read the material.
  • Did you use any limiters or have to change your initial search to find the article/ book chapter?
  • Show the auto-generated citation for your resource. 
  • Why would this article be useful for a research paper on mental health of freshmen-- try to come up with at least two specific reasons beyond the article has the words "mental health" and/ or "first-year students" in the title/ description.

Group 3: Academic Search Ultimate

Find an article or book chapter in the database, Academic Search Ultimate discussing the transition to college for first year students. Be prepared to replicate your search and share the following:

  • How do you find the database.
  • How can you access/ read the article or chapter.
  • Did you use any limiters or have to change your initial search.
  • Show the auto-generated citation for your resource. 
  • Why would this article be useful for a research paper or project on first year student health- try to come up with at least two specific reasons beyond the article/ chapter has the word "transition" and/or "first-year college student" in the title/ description.